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Posts from ‘September, 2007’

How I Run my Budget

From the wide variety of PF blogs I read everyday, I”m always fascinated by the different methods authors employ to manage their monthly income. Some have detailed budgets that track every last penny, while others are a bit more lax, pay themselves first, and use what”s leftover after bills to fund whatever they might be […]

Mobility And Time

  I know I’ve stated it before, but I’ll say it again. To me, my time is more valuable than money. I’d really prefer to get to the point where I don’t need to work full-time sooner rather than later, because I would like to have more time to myself. I’d also like to travel […]

The Cost of Entertainment

best internet security software 2013 p align=”center”> Its interesting to note that when I speak to my peers and relatives about retirement, there seems to be an underlying fear of not working. Work, it seems, is an integral part of our lives and that trend is unlikely to cease anytime in the near future. Ironically, […]

Juggling My Future

  Being a young college graduates with a dwindling amount of debt left over from my student loans and an increasing amount of disposable income, I find myself at a crossroads. Ideally, I would like to retire as early as humanly possible and live however I see fit, preferably with a good amount of travel. […]

Considering Going Abroad

  I recently read a great article over at Get Rich Slowly. It outlines the advantages of working abroad for a year or more in countries like Japan. Personally, I’ve always loved to travel, and I often feel restricted in the amount of time/money I have to move around as I please. Once my student […]