Admittedly I’ve always been a skeptic when it comes to Agloco (Full disclosure, this is not a referral link). When I was in High School, I pulled in some serious money for a few months during it’s former incarnation, AllAdvantage. It seemed, however, that the program was destined for failure, as they simply couldn’t bring in enough revenue to offset the payouts to members.
I’ve always thought a similar fate would happen to Agloco. As I write this, I’m sure there are thousands of people keeping their viewbar running dutifully for the 5 hour maximum alloted each month. As time goes on, these member continue to rack up more and more hours with the looming question: When is payday? When and if they get around to actually rewarding their members, I’ll be interested to see how substantial the distribution is. Even a small reward would be ok with me, as the viewbar isn’t too intrusive and doesn’t take up enough real estate on my monitor to be really annoying. Until that day comes though, my viewbar is not going to be running.
Now that Agloco is going to be offering searches through it’s bar, it is possible that they may bring in enough search revenue to reward it’s members. If I spent the time and effort to bring in a large number of recruits, I’d be getting pretty impatient about it…considering the viewbar has been out and running for months and members have nothing to show for it.
What do you think?