Show me the Money!
It took a few weeks to bring them in, but so far all but one of the three chosen survey services did in fact pay.
1. Surveyspot: Unpaid, amount: $25
Surveyspot has thus far brought in an impressive amount of surveys, usually a few a week. They covered everything from beverage preferences to what kind of car I drive/want to drive, run of the mill things that paid about 3$ per survey, typically. I did have one that paid 10$, which I was excited to get!
2. Your2cents: Paid, amount: 5$
I took advantage of the low payout rate for the sake of this article and had them mail me a check after completing my first survey. My reward was 2$, but because I filled out my other profiles, I received an extra 3$ bonus. I got a good 5-7 survey requests last month, but only qualified for one of those. What demographic is most sought after, I wonder?
3. American Consumer Opinion: Paid, amount: 5$
Last month I only received one check from ACO, but they did send me a check right away and I have received it! I think that has been the most lackluster of the 3, as surveys are few and far between.
Overall, I think that the survey money project has been a smashing success. I fill out a survey here and there, and I make an extra (roughly) 30$ per month. I think if you have even a little extra time on your hands it might be worth looking into as an alternate source of income. Be honest, but answer the question as fast as humanly possible, and you’ll breeze right through these.
I’ll keep you updated on Surveyspot, as the check will take some time to arrive.