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Alternate Income Update for September: $111.74

I never really approved of the term “passive” income. When you boil down any particular money making activity at it’s core, none of it is truly passive. The closest thing to passive that I can see is my ING Direct savings account. No research, no re-balancing, I put money in there and more comes out, and I like it. I’m sure the whole concept of passive income has been beaten to death by better authors like Brian at Genius Types, but for me, it’s all a matter of how much time I need to put in to get money out. That determines the level of passivity (is that even a word?).

So for the month of September, here’s what I have!

1. Surveys: $35.00

2. Nesteggr: $75.00

3. Helium: $1.74

Ideas, suggestions, comments are always welcome! You’ll notice my blog is not currently in there. I’ve earned a smidgeon but I don’t really consider it a money making venture just yet.



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2 Comments on “Alternate Income Update for September: $111.74”

  1. #1 Alternate Income Update for September: $111.74 at Insurance Life Whole
    on Oct 12th, 2007 at 11:31 am

    […] Original post by The Finance Castle […]

  2. #2 Money Project 2, Phase 1: Freelance Writing
    on Oct 22nd, 2007 at 11:29 am

    […] Instead of give you a blueprint, the best I can hope to do is offer my experiences. I can show you how I’ve made strides to build my own streams of income online. My first project thus far has been widely successful, and the survey checks now roll in each month with some regularity. These of course will be covered by my occasional income updates. […]