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Things I Learned from Moving

Sooner or later all of us have have the wonderfully stressful experience of moving. Whether it be for a new job, cheaper rent, first house, or even just for a change of scenery. While on the whole I would say that things went pretty swimmingly (Nothing got broken, our fish made it through alive, our cat did NOT like being in the car but is otherwise settled in), there are some things I intend to improve upon next time around, which hopefully won’t be for a long time….

  • Bring non-perishable snacks/food: We didn’t go food shopping because we didn’t want to transport extra stuff, and so ended up eating out a lot more than we should have. Hardly breaking the bank, but a little overbudget and something that could’ve been easily avoided.
  • Don’t Move on a Weekday: When you move, you are likely going to want all the help you can wrangle up. This helps things go a lot quicker since if you have a steady train of people going in and out with things. We had to move on a Thursday, and so the three of us got stuck moving everything. It took awhile.
  • Don’t Buy New Stuff: Some of the things I bought for our new place were great changes, we made the move to CF lightbulbs and got powerstrips hooked up to everything so we can turn off everything with the flick of a switch, which saves power and therfore money. However we also got a number of things I felt were unnecessary. Next time I’ll have a list of what we need and stick to it.

Like most things, moving was a great learning experience. Next time I intend to have our move be as swift and painless as possible, with less splurging on food and knick knacks.


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