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I-Phone Mania

NOTE: This is a sponsored post.

One of my siblings recently received an I-phone as a holiday bonus and has been fascinated with the gadget ever since. Personally I can’t really justify dropping that kind of money on what I view as a toy, but he insists that he is more organized and efficient as a result of having it, not to mention the fun of having a portable sleep mp3 player/photo album/video/etc. to walk around with.

As such there’s been widespread growth and demand for I-phone accessories, themes, and so on. One such site,  Planet I-phones, delivers said additional items. These include Iphone wallpapers and iphone mods. They have a fairly wide range of information available ont he site, as well as a very active community forum. Being the curious reviewer that I am, I headed over to the forum to see what type of topics were being covered.

There was a lot more information than I was expecting! While there is a forum area for the latest iphone accessories, there’s also a whole lot more for the average user, including news, the latest software announcements, and even tutorials for modding your phone (at your own risk, of course!).

So whether you’re scouring for your favorite iphone wallpaper, or just want to get some more information on your Iphone and what it has to offer, be sure to check the site out.


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