I’m always fascinated to hear stories of people who never made much money but still came out rich. Much of this is due to to the immediate cynicism people have at the prospect. If I even mention becoming a millionaire to someone who makes around the median income for the US, I am shot down […]
Posts from ‘February, 2008’
Passive Income and The Holy Grail
It’s whispered about on blogs, referenced to endlessly on forums, and longed after by many a daydreamer stuck in the daily grind doldrums of their local cubicle. It’s a goal that has eluded many, and crushed the hopes of those sucked in by scams claiming to know the way, the path to obtain it. I […]
I-Phone Mania
NOTE: This is a sponsored post. One of my siblings recently received an I-phone as a holiday bonus and has been fascinated with the gadget ever since. Personally I can’t really justify dropping that kind of money on what I view as a toy, but he insists that he is more organized and efficient as […]
My Collection of Alternate Income Sources
I’ll be the first to admit that on most Fridays, I’m not all that useful. I love the weekend, and I spend much of my day wishing I was out and about doing what I’d like to be doing instead of stuck at the office. Today however, I’m going to try and remain productive! As […]
How Politics can Affect Your Bottom Line
Ok, let’s start off with a disclaimer: I’m not here to endorse any particular candidate or prime you with political fluff. Instead I’m just here to point out some issues coming up in the next election that are of importance to those of the frugal mindset (or at least me, I won’t speak for everyone!). […]