One oft-mentioned method of generating money is taking advantage of affiliate programs of various sites. Problogger and other sites championed this method of earning revenue, but it can be hard to decide what product you’d like to promote. I’ve found it most useful to find something that is popular but not entirely saturated. Let’s say, […]
Posts from ‘June, 2008’
Travel and Cost of Living "Over there"
I always like to read about mobile workers and what their costs are for living overseas. People always seem to associate traveling with expense, a luxury that not everyone has, but the reality is that in many places your cost of living is significantly less than it is to live here in the U.S. Here […]
Health Insurance When You’re Self Employed
Its a dream of many workers out there to one day be their own boss. Being able to set your own hours, work where and when you want to is a powerful driving force when it comes to self-employment. When running down the list of things you’ll need when you strike out your own, sufficient […]
Should GM be Booted from the Dow?
With General Motors sinking to one of it’s lowest prices in a few decades, many people are starting to question whether the automaker still belongs in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Considering that GM continues to lose market share to other rivals, it appears less and less relevant, and a comeback is not very close […]
Lump Sum or Periodic Payments
definition of love essay p>When coming cross a windfall of money such as a legal judgment, lottery winning, or an individually owned annuity, you’re often given the money in small amounts, such a set annual payment. While this does help stretch the money by giving it to you a little at a time, if you […]