So, its only been a few short weeks since I threw up the castle (yes I know, there’s a LOT that needs improving, but work with me here people!), and already I have a relatively consistent number of traffic. On average, I’m getting 30 unique visitors a day. Wow, you might think, that’s a tiny amount of traffic.
Not so!
I originally had a goal of my first month to average a mere 5 visitors a day. I understand my niche of personal finance is filled to the brim with bloggers of all different income levels and styles. I’ve been striving to provide a unique reading experience to you guys (the little base of readers that I have!). Right now, I’m looking to provide insight on my journey to early retirement (note: this doesn’t mean not working at all), and my rather unorthodox approach to getting there as soon as possible.
I think this is a lot easier for me because I don’t have kids, and so considering living on a boat or an RV or a very small house in northern PA is all attainable because I don’t really need that much space, just me and the girlfriend. I think it can be eye-opening when you really break down what you need to spend your money on each month. Once I strip-away whats left of my student loan and car payments, I’m left with shockingly little in way of expenses.
I recently read a comment from a PF blogger (I’m not here to name names) that recently said “If you’re spending less than you earn and making 25k, you’re probably not eating.” Statements like this make me wonder what income bracket the average blogger falls into. When I first graduated my income was right around 25k, and I still managed to save a good portion of my money.
Keep on trucking, my readers.