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My oldest brother and I often have brainstorming sessions about our next big idea. From producing bio diesel for tug boats to renting out chairs for weddings, we come up with all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately, he’s still latched to his 9-5 job, and thus his capacity to work on such projects is extremely limited. But what about me?
I’ve considered a number of online ventures. Freelance writing has actually proven more lucrative than I had anticipated, but I’m hoping to do additional work in the online marketing arena. Our Adsense earnings are holding steady, but I’m looking to create a more streamlined process. Being able to create a niche site with quality information and optimized content for search engines in short order would allow me to create more sources of recurring income. In the interim I’m keeping my head well above water but still a bit close for comfort. Starting additional blogs is certainly an option, and I intend to venture into a few other topics of interest.