I ran across an interesting obstacle today with my team leader at work. He noticed that in one of my e-mails I had mentioned freelance writing for some income on the side. As a licensed general securities representative, apparently I have to report ALL of the income I earn outside of my regular job to […]
Posts under ‘5 Job Project’
Careers and Happiness: Do They Go Hand in Hand?
I tire of the oft-heard advice that you need to find a career you love in order to really enjoy living. Almost Fearless recently wrote about her upcoming move to Spain. She sold most of her stuff, quit her 9-5 job, and is just about ready to make the transition to a new country, job, […]
Brainstorming Session: Other Job Possibilities
homework central p align=”center”> So having landed another freelance writing gig starting in July, my income from writing sources alone will top out at about $137 per week. This officially locks it in as a source to give 1/5 of my income threshold ($32,000). I’m not gonna lie, I’m excited at the prospect, but that […]
Job 2 Goal: Site Portfolio
So, if you’ve been reading my thoughts on earning a living utilizing 5 different jobs, and thought I was crazy, feel free to read on as I pursue the possibility! As it stands of the 5, I have one locked in as a reliable source of income, and that’s my freelance writing. Having landed a […]