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Posts under ‘Make Money’

The Best Things in Life are Free

Here on the personal finance blogosphere we tend to have a general disdain for the finer things in life. Things like burning your money heading out to the bar every weekend or heading to the movie theater or buying DVDs (ok I admit this one’s a bit silly, how often do you buy a movie […]

Blog Integrity and Making Money

  Blogging is often-times a fascinating media outlet in terms of financial capability. On one hand you have bloggers like Shoemoney who have hit the absolute pinnacle of making money online, utilizing their informational and interesting content to convert readers into customers. This isn’t inherently bad, because the blog itself is awesome, so why shouldn’t […]

Don’t you want to Make More Money?

One important distinction about personal finance that other bloggers may or may not incorporate into their thinking is that the art of finance is not just saving and investing, but generating money as well. I love the idea of taking what money you currently have and putting it to work to generate more money. I […]