acrobat 9 download mac p align=”center”> I read a lot of news and opinion pieces on energy, and recently the wire has been buzzing non-stop about the sudden spike in oil prices. Owning shares of Conoco Phillips for well over a year myself, I believe that oil is going to be an important resource for […]
Posts under ‘Personal Finance’
Continued Experimentation: Mini-Jobs
Buy Office Professional Plus 2013 p style=”text-align: center”> So I’ve been giving some thought to the idea that my brother suggested a few days ago, and I think it may in fact be workable. If I was to work on my own, my income threshold would have to be around $32,000 before taxes (I could […]
Avoiding Financial Regret: Start Now!
All too often I speak to friends and colleagues of similar age that don’t have retirement on their radar. Its easy to understand why, I suppose, considering that your average twentysomething has a car loan, student loan, rent, saving for a house, weddings, honeymoons, and engagement rings to pay for. Where then, does retirement fit […]
Lifestyle Design Idea: 5 Mini-Jobs
I was speaking to my brother, a long-time web developer for a successful design firm in Philadelphia, about the concept of lifestyle design. We had both decided that the daily grind was not exactly what we had in mind when we signed up for our jobs. 9-5, day in and day out, 5 days a […]
Buying Used: A Smart Car
download snow leapord online p style=”text-align: center”> I thought it would be a fun experiment to check out what”s on the market for one of the trendiest cars here in the U.S, the Smart Car. If I were to get a second car strictly for commuting purposes, I”m pretty sure I”d go with one. It […]