In the world of Personal Finance, there are a few themes that the average person associates with keeping tracking of where your money goes and living below your means. One of those themes is sacrifice, the idea that you will want to buy X or do Y but you simply can’t because that would put […]
Posts under ‘Personal Finance’
Contest Time Idea: Help Me!
Ever since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed a good contest. The concept behind throwing up a hail mary pass for a shot at something that would be out of reach under other normal circumstances has always held an appeal to me. In some cases, like the lottery or ., you’re paying for […]
Dealing With Fear in Everyday Finance
I used to think people that were workaholics were just really crazy. I mean, who wants to work 12 hour days so they can have a nice BMW and a big house that they can’t really enjoy, right? Not me, to be sure, but there are plenty of reasons people work their tails off that […]
New Years Resolution Help: Make More Money
Of all the goals we set for the coming year, there are some that have become understandably cliche. Losing weight, for example, is something that a large number of people would like to do going into a new year (and something we’re historically terrible at). Making more money than the previous year, is also a […]
New Years Resolutions: Have Any?
best online casino software p>Like most rational people, I tend to view New Years Resolutions with a healthy dose of skepticism. At first, when the new year rolls on, we’re filled with a sense of euphoria. Suddenly it feels like the old year has been washed away, and the door opens to a whole new […]