This whole working for yourself thing continues to be full of surprises. While I have consistently taken any income I have earned and put away 30% for when the tax man came to call, I was still a little saddened by the huge number my accountant came back with and having to take that money […]
Posts under ‘Personal Finance’
Today I Learned Why Emergency Funds are Important
And why to take good care of your teeth. I should have known better with the knowledge that I come from a genetic background that has enamel on the weaker side. My older brother and father have both had fairly extenstive problems with their teeth, but I had last my job at the time and […]
My Own New Year's Resolutions
best place to buy online cigars p>I’ve always found it odd that there’s almost a stigma surrounding New Year’s Resolutions. I guess because the success rate for them is so low, most individuals write them off as wishful thinking or delusions of grandeur. That may be the case for many, but I ahve always found […]
Dining Out On the Cheap
how to get a larger penis p>If you’ve ever read a Personal Finance blog, stop going out to eat has to be in the top 5 of any “save money” list you’ll come across. The reasons for cutting it out are generally obvious too: It makes sense. Going out to eat is expensive, creeps up […]
The Difference Between Motivational Blogs and Snake Oil
I’ll be the first to admit, I like reading inspirational blogs. Despite not having very much debt (looking at you student loan) and having an ok handle on my finances (new tax situation aside) I still love reading Get Rich Slowly. J.D. is, without question, very thorough, detailed and has an enjoyable writing style to […]