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Posts under ‘Retirement’

Earliest Retiree

I’ll be the first to admit I’d love to retire, or even downshift to part-time, if given the opportunity. I have some things going for me in this regard. One, like my buddy JD (Not really, but he did send me an email once?) I’m childless by choice. Two, I’m relatively young (but I feel […]

The Feeling of Freedom

argumentative persuasive essay p align=”center”> I always find it interesting that so many people put much of their life”s emphasis on working. Feeling needed, feeling important, feeling wanted, all of these things influence our professional lives. I won”t argue that there is definitely a great feeling of accomplishment for many jobs, especially when you emerge […]

The Financial Media…

I was perusing through the usual material over at Yahoo! Finance today, checking up on my stocks, the market, and hoping that Jeremy Siegel may have written another article instead of the usual “gurus.” My hopes were dashed and I didn’t find said article, but I did notice something about “The Middle Class Millionaire, Unable […]

Doing what you Always Wanted

As I perused Yahoo! Finance today, I noticed yet another article about retirement and the best way to go about it. I was drawn in particular to the opening passage: “Forget about slowing down — retirement is the time to accomplish everything you didn’t get to do when you were younger.” Hmm. It seems odd […]