As per the usual, I recently checked out another credit card comparison site hoping to entice you to sign up for various offers with the promise of rewards, attractive interest rates, and/or credit cards for people with bad credit looking to build their way to the promised land of good credit, if something like that […]
Posts under ‘sponsored’
Payday Loan VS. Short Term Loan: Difference?
dissertation writing service p align=”center”> When most people think of payday loans, a number of unsavory images come to mind. Ridiculously priced interest rates, businesses taking advantage of consumers in need of immediate cash, etc. However one such company claims to be different. Thinkcash offers installment loans and bad credit loans while claiming to offer […]
When an Auto Loan is Unavoidable
My co-worker drives a VW Beetle, new style, and from her experience, she isn’t very happy with it. Constant maintenance combined with expensive foreign parts has given her a bit of a headache on multiple occasions. Now that the car is paid off and at 80k in miles, it once again needs work. Her line […]
The Latest Credit Comparison
Comparing credit card offers has become somewhat of a hobby of mine. Originally I despised credit cards as evil things, destined to rob you of hard-earned money by nitpicking you to death with fees and unbearably high interest rates. As I’ve started taking advantage of a no-fee rewards card that I pay off each month, […]
Trading Online
When it comes to handling your investments online, most people have their own ideas of what works for them. Some investors prefer to keep things as simple as possible, setting up automatic withdrawals and having them invested into a diversified allocation of index funds or other investment vehicles. Others, however, prefer to take their investments […]